Mary’s Attitude To God’s Will Part. 2

JUNE 2023

Mary MacKillop realised that she had a part to play in achieving God’s will. Although reluctant at times, and finding it difficult she did not shrink from what she saw as her duty to express her own opinion and encourage her own desires—even “push” for them.

Writing to Monsignor Kirby when in Rome:

I often wonder why God gave me such a weighty charge as I have in that of the institute, for oh! it is such
a weary task to have to act, to propose things to others, where I would so much more gladly wish to be led rather. But for all that I must not question His wise ways. … Still the repugnance I have to act or to take any new duty upon myself, or in the discharge of such, to mix much with people make me shrink very much at times from things which on theother hand I feel our dear Lord as it were strongly urging me on to.

We can see many times how Mary had difficult decisions to make, Leaders in the Church she had to disagree with,
sisters she had to reprimand, the actions of some priests she had to contend with. Only Mary’s fidelity to God’s love
and what she saw as God’s will gave her the strength to continue.


What duties do you think Mary found difficult?
During your own life, at what times did you find duties burdensome and calling forth more strength of will and determination, even fighting against?
Share your thoughts with Mary MacKillop

O God, so many difficulties confront me today!
And even as they press in upon me there are people around me
Who laugh at my childlike dependence on You.
They claim that my faith is futile
That God is not interested in my petty problems.
But, God You have surrounded me with Your love
You envelop me with concern and undergird me with grace.
When I reach out to You, You are close enough to hear and respond.
Whether I am awake or asleep You are near me and watch over me.
I do not have to be afraid of these problems that assail me.
The conflicts of my life will not separate me from you. …
You will in Your own good time, set me free from every human fault and frailty.
But even while I await Your ultimate deliverance
Help me sense Your presence and power in the midst of my many conflicts.
Help me sense Your presence and power in the midst of my many conflicts.

PSALM 3 Psalms Now - Leslie Brandt Used with permission Aust Lutheran Church


RESPONSE: Do not be afraid; I am with you

When the future seems dark and too hard and I am not sure of the way R
When I do not know what decision to make, let me hear you say R
As I grow older and fear losing my independence, say to me R
For refugees who feel their lives are hopeless and have no future, say to them R
For all those grieving the loss of a loved one, may they be assured by your words R


Lord Jesus, give me the strength and wisdom to discover the Father’s will for me.
Help me to be open to the events in my life, seeing in them your loving providence,
able to place all my fear in your hands knowing that you walk with me on my journey.
Like Mary MacKillop may I trust you fully, knowing you will guide me in all my life’s decisions, if I just trust in you.
